Saturday, March 5, 2011

Crown of Creation

Moon Rise at Maple Grove
"Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies" (Psalm 148:1-4).

Day after day and night after night, all of God's creation displays the glory of the LORD and sings out praises to Him.  After creating everything in the heavens and on the earth, in the vastness of space and the depths of the seas, God created the crowning jewel of His creation: human beings.  Do we even realize how special we are to Him and how He longs for us?

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,  the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet"  (Psalm 8:3-6).

Should we, the crown of His creation, display His glory and sing His praises less than the rest of creation?  Our sinful, self-centered nature pulls us away from our Creator, but our Lord, Jesus, gave His life for the forgiveness of our sins, and the Spirit of God draws us to Him and creates new life within us.  For this we ought to give thanks and praise!

"Praise the Lord all you nations; praise Him all you people.  For His merciful kindness is great toward us, and the truth of the LORD endures forever.  Praise the Lord!" (Psalm 117).

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